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directv and ther way on removal of channels like they did with G4tv
12/17/2010 7:17 PM (PST)
directv and ther removal of the G4tv network and many more to go next year about the 1st of the year with out the notice of witch channels are going
DirecTV has to send out a lineup card anytime they decide to drop a channel, change the lineup, or add them. That is part of 47 CFR 76, the part of the FCC rules that govern cable and satellite TV matters.
Occasionally something happens like a network or local station completely goes down without warning, that happened in Nebraska one night, the station shut down abruptly, turned in their license, and went off the air for good. But 99 percent of the time the change can be noted, the cards reprinted, and the new cards mailed out with the bills or if necessary, separately. This all has to be done no later than 30 days before the planned changes take effect.
and to this date they havent done so
12/21/2010 10:05 AM (PST)
Hi Sean,
Your information may better serve as a review on DirecTV or a complaint filed with the BBB and FTC. You can can file at www.labbb.org and www.ftc.gov if you wish, or write your review on the business storefront here at TrustLink.org by clicking on "View Reviews" above your initial inquiry.
12/21/2010 7:57 PM (PST)
i did file with the fcc and the bbb
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