J.C.B's review of Bender Method Core Training

Bender Method Core Training

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Customer Reviews & Ratings
Complaint Posted 9/19/2007
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Review 9/19/2007
I purchased the Bender Ball in July and received the product in August. I was EXTREMELY careful at the time of order to ensure that I did not sign up for any of their other programs that ship and bill monthly, so my committed transaction was for $22.00. I then receive an out-of-the-blue charge on my card for $47.60 which was never authorized by me. I contacted the company to have the charges reversed and a call tag issued to return their product. They do not issue call tags and wanted to inconvenience me with spending time and money to ship a product back that I never ordered. I refused since this was shipped without my concent. I am still waiting for the credit on my account and have been told to throw away their package. It must not have any value if they don't even want it back themselves. When I called the second time to check on my credit they still had me signed up for a monthly shipment program that I never signed up for. I am sure there are a lot of people that are afraid to confront companies in this situation and I feel that they are abusing their priveledges of charging via eCheck or credit card and just hoping that people will not complain. Because I'm sure for every fraudulent shipment that goes out many just allow it to happen. Even if it only on the first shipment of 47.60.
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Additional Business Information
Hours   Phone   (818) 997-1800 Address   P.O. Box 8349
Van Nuys, CA 91409
Website   http://www.benderball.com Email   lindap@moultonlogistics.com; lfarias@moultonlogistics.com
Contact   Linda Perry Other  
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