Tim M.'s review of Crux Climbing Gym

Crux Climbing Gym

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Customer Reviews & Ratings
Complaint Posted 12/29/2010
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Review 12/29/2010
Our second visit the owner promptly screamed at my children for bringing in water...my bad taken care of but no need for the tone and treatment. As I was taking out the water her small dog lunged over the counter and growled at my kids who were being quite and not provoking. The dog then lunged at me while standing at the counter being a K9 handler myself I asked if she was working with a "rescue dog" she replied "No it's trained to protect me and he will attack you if I tell him too!" Hoping this was a onetime encounter she proceeded to yell at us the entire time and charge the non climbing adults the climbing rate. We finally left after she was yelling at a Grand Ma and Grand Pa type taking the kids to the gym for the day. I filled a complaint at the SLO police department regarding the dog and the threat who informed me she does this all the time and she even goes as far to accuse police cars parked in her parking lot of trespassing while working on reports. This a great example of poor little rich girl being given a gym by somebody because nobody who earned their way through life would treat their customers in such a manner. She is nuts! Now I know why it’s always empty!
We were trying to drive the hr to SLO to climb and hit the stores but will know head south to Santa Barbra instead!
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Hours   Phone   (805) 544-8308 Address   1160 Laurel Ln.
San Luis Obispo, CA 93401
Website   http://www.cruxslo.com/ Email  
Contact   H.C. Harbers Other  
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