Br M.'s review of Estrada's Gym in San Luis Obispo

Estrada's Gym in San Luis Obispo

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Customer Reviews & Ratings
Review Posted 2/7/2010
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Review 2/7/2010
If you look around in San Luis Obispo for a gym to work out at, the only one gym in SLO for power lifting or bodying building is Estrada's Gym. I have been a member there since 1988 and nothing comes close to it. The place is completely private where you have a total member trust system with all the members at the gym that everybody fully honors and respects. Where can you work out in San Luis Obispo at 3am or 5am in the morning or late hours on weekends? If you have seen Kennedy Club fitness my opinion the place sucks. It is all families (nothing wrong with that but it is not ideal for training) and the parking is horrible, you have to met & greet people (plus you have to have your ID card and you have to pay extra fees when you open a membership, plus it is outrageously expensive) there before you start working out as the front desk is right as the front door. Also they have lousy free weights as the gym is upstairs where the staff always ...? More » If you look around in San Luis Obispo for a gym to work out at, the only one gym in SLO for power lifting or bodying building is Estrada's Gym. I have been a member there since 1988 and nothing comes close to it. The place is completely private where you have a total member trust system with all the members at the gym that everybody fully honors and respects. Where can you work out in San Luis Obispo at 3am or 5am in the morning or late hours on weekends? If you have seen Kennedy Club fitness my opinion the place sucks. It is all families (nothing wrong with that but it is not ideal for training) and the parking is horrible, you have to met & greet people (plus you have to have your ID card and you have to pay extra fees when you open a membership, plus it is outrageously expensive) there before you start working out as the front desk is right as the front door. Also they have lousy free weights as the gym is upstairs where the staff always complain to the members not to drop the free weights, what kind of crap is that (also their weights are rubber coated making it too thick to train with, they do not have official iron weights there if your wondering). Even if you tell the owners at Kennedy Fitness, they do nothing about it. If you travel down the road, Estrada's gym will amaze you completely than any kind of gym you have ever seen in before, there is nothing like it in all of California. Private! No BS or gossip, you go in and you start training all you want, Kennedy Club Fitness is all gossip. At Estrada's all the weights are organized in room order, there is no way to mess up any kind of training because you know where the areas are for your workouts, it is totally organized. Skip Kennedy, Athlon, 24 Hour Fitness and Gold's in San Luis Obispo, Estrada's is the best place period. I can actually say that because I have been and seen gyms in San Luis Obispo over the past 20 years and even the other gym owners in San Luis Obispo will admit that Estrada's is unique entirely and superpower clean but the members are true good people to know. There is no gossip, you can train and accomplish your goals at Estrada's because after I have trained at the other places when I was already at Estrada's Gym made me realize that I never needed to go anywhere else, I was happy and remain happy training at Estrada's Gym. Best Gym and best people there period.
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San Luis Obispo, 93401
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