Joseph Sanchez and Home Savings Center is not a reputable firm. They accept money for loan modification services and provide none and wont return monies expended for such service.
As I found out it is against the law to provide funds before services are rendered-my education.
Stay away from this company-they are frauds and prey on the vulnerability of desperate people just trying to get their home in order.
Here is another person who had the same dealings with this company
DO NOT GET INVOLVED WITH THIS COMPANY!!! We have been working with Joe Sanchez for the past month- filled out all the paperwork and wired Home Savings Center over $6000.00. Our loan was to fund and close May 2nd 2011. As soon he received our money (to pay for rate lock-appraisal fees and 1st months payment) Joe Sanchez was no longer reachable by phone or email. We do not have a new home loan and never received any of the loan docs that were promised. I checked out the 3941 South Bristol Parkway Suite D-259 Address- it is a mail box. There are no offices there. He advised me not to make any more house payments to my current mortgage lender- thankfully we by we did not take his advice. This company is a total fraud and should be investigated by the FBI and Attorney General. They do not get any stars but should by shut down completely. If Joseph Sanchez calls you- hang up.