Duncan L.'s review of Palm Springs Vacation Connection

Palm Springs Vacation Connection

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Customer Reviews & Ratings
Complaint Posted 9/14/2011
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Review 9/14/2011
I recently booked (August) a five day stay at a property rental called Wisteria from Palm Springs Vacation Connection. Despite the property being spacious and in a good location with a large swimming pool, we found that it did not live up to our expectations with regards to the cleanliness . The general upkeep of the property was disappointing and well lived in. My advice to any potential guests is to be prepared to have to fight for the return of your deposit. On our return to the UK we received an email to say our deposit has been withheld due to swimming pool/jacuzzi spa maintenance issues. Our deposit is being withheld as the proprietor claims that after our stay the jacuzzi/spa had to be drained, sanitized and new chemicals were needed. My claim is that on no occasion did we use, or even attempt to use the jacuzzi/spa. The cover remained on the Jacuzzi, and moreover, there were no instructions on how to use it anyway! There are many do's and don'ts in the contract, but alas, the one don't NOT mentioned is not to use the pool whilst wearing sun block! Guests should bear in mind that in the summer months temperatures exceed 100 degrees plus, and that sun block is a must!!!! - So guests, be warned: Deposits are obviously withheld under false pretenses, I have raised the issue many times with the proprietor, and have requested invoices, and proof of alleged damage, four weeks later after many promises of sending invoices etc, I find myself still waiting. I have now handed my case over to my credit card company, who are now investigating this company!
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Additional Business Information
Hours   Phone   (800) 333-9813 Address   40101 Monterey Avenue B1-108
Rancho Mirage, CA 92270
Website   http://www.palmspringsvacationconnection.com Email   palmspringsinfo@me.com
Contact   Carole Stephen Other  
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