Review 9/28/2010
this club needs to be put out of business.i got one of my order and it clearly states on the receipt that when they receive my payment of $34.95 the rest of my order of dvds will be shipped wich is a lie this company is like direct brands aka bmg/ columbia house full of liars i never had problems with oldies.com or amazon or cc video.com these dvds clubs are out for onething to take your money and lie to you and cheat you out of your dvds . that is my bad review of this club and any other video clubs out their that reads this review please people if you read this review stop ordering stuff from disney movie club and any other dvd club shop for your dvds you want at amazon .com or oldies. com or cc video.com or or go to wal mart .com or pick your dvds you want up in the stores.