HERBET H.'s review of Web Wise Media

Web Wise Media

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Customer Reviews & Ratings
Review Posted 12/31/2009
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Review 12/31/2009
We paid thousands of dollars for a 1 year nationwide campaign, with a money back guarantee for first page placement on Google & Yahoo among others. A money back guarantee, I thought, We cant go wrong. Included was 90 days of pay per click advertizing to get things going while they worked on our site. The search terms that we supplied were too expensive for PPC. They tried using search terms that nobody uses like adding "supplier" or sometimes something completely irrelevent to product names. People dont search with the word supplier. People search for products by name or description. That was my first indication of how bad things would be. Do they do not understand the most basic way that people search? I think they do, but think that their clients are stupid. Well I certainly was stupid to use them in the first place. Here's a clue, try searching Google or Yahoo for SEO and see if Web Wise Media comes up on the first page. We had a lawyer look at our contract, and the guarantee is full of loopholes and worthless. I was also told that they were likely to sue if we stopped the campaign early. They promised completion dates that took months longer, and regular reports on our placement. We received 2 ror 3 reports in one year. They also add a link from your website to theirs, which I was found out is a huge negative to search engines since it is unrelated to our product. In the end I can honestly say that I do not believe that we ever received one order due to any work that they did. Just a complete waste of a lot of money.
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Additional Business Information
Hours   8:00 a.m.- 5:00 p.m. Monday thru Friday Phone   (888) 879-8880 Address   21781 Ventura Blvd Suite 229
Woodland Hills, CA 91364
Website   http://www.webwisemedia.com Email   ninna@webwisemedia.com
Contact   Ninna Shatiro Other  
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